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Is Your Car Engine Making You Worry?

Car engine problems are inevitable. They can range from minor issues that affect the car’s performance, to those that are more severe, which are often connected with expensive repairs and even complete engine replacement. Because engine problems can be pretty complicated to fix, it’s recommended that you have your car’s engine professionally repaired and regularly maintained by a trusted auto repair shop. Below are the common car engine problems and how you can easily prevent them.

Tight Tappets

When your car engine is running, it’s making use of the combustion process to convert the petrol or diesel fuel that you’re pouring into it into energy. When you start to drive the car, it’ll make the valves open up, allowing the petrol or diesel to enter the engine’s combustion chamber and be burned. As the car moves, it’ll continue to pump petrol or diesel into the engine’s combustion chamber, which is known as a continuous stroke. So, when you hear a knocking sound when your car is running, this is usually because the tappets are sticking and closing too quickly, which blocks the fuel/air mixture.

Circling Engine

When your car engine overheats, it can lead to engine failure. And a common cause of this is a faulty thermostat. So, if the engine overheats, it’ll cause the thermostat to switch off the engine’s cooling system. This, in turn, will switch the engine back on. This causes the engine to cycle on and off, which, over time, wears out the engine’s transmission and other workings.

Faulty Ignition Coil

Another common reason for your car’s engine to overheat is a faulty ignition coil. A spark plug fires to create a spark when your car’s key is turned, which ignites the petrol or diesel. So, when your car’s engine overheats, and the spark plug doesn’t fire, this is because the ignition coil has failed. This is a faulty coil that can result in your vehicle’s engine stalling out, which can cause it to overheat.

If you’re looking for an auto repair shop in Mundelein,IL, you have come to the right place. Choose Prodigy Auto Work as your ideal mechanic and get the results you deserve. Dial (847) 503-0773 to inquire!

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